Thursday, November 21, 2013

Stumbling stones / Stolpersteine - Video Project

-Agnes, Erica, Michael, Hanna, Jay


  1. Hi,

    I have an idea that comparing passing-by reaction in different country.
    First, I was thinking about Bratislava because of close distance.

    I searched information and found stolperteine project in Slovak in Dutch language. No info in English wiki.

    My Slovak friend helped me to confirm information: Since the project started in last year therefore no stolpersteine in Bratislava yet.

    Currently, I'm searching a spot in Czech and Hungary.
    Hope I can make it!


  2. Here is the association one of our colleagues had when she saw your project:

    Memorial performance to the Reichsprogromnacht 1938,
    Vienna 2005,
    directed by Hubert Kramar

    Sorry, didnt find subtitles, but you might get the association anyways.
    Best, KM

  3. My project feelings: it helped me attract not only ppl's opinion but mine as well to the memory about Jewish ppl who are honored in such a never dying way. These stones make curious ppl stop by them and think about smth even if they have no idea about their meaning. As for me, the wall placement is more preferable to the ground one because of stepping on the graveside in that respect. I had so much interest in cleaning the stones or talking to ppl and was surprised by their reactions: even those who didn't know the context could explain us ("curious tourists") what it means or just stopped staring at such a "strange" activity. Especially, videos helped me to realize that. Thank to professors for that project and my colleagues for such a wonderful, unforgettable team-work.
